Delivery info

From then, delivery is generally within 2-5 days, depending on your location.

7 days returns

Not the right fit? No worries. We'll arrange pick up and replace with new one without any charges.


Quality comes first and our products are designed to last. We never compromise on quality.

AutozCare Waterless Car Wash & Wax, Waterless Glass Cleaner, Engine Degreaser and Hyper Wash Forming Shampoo and Double Side Microfiber Towel and Single Side Towel (Pack Of 7) - AutozCare Pakistan

AutozCare Waterless Car Wash & Wax, Waterless Glass Cleaner, Engine Degreaser and Hyper Wash Forming Shampoo and Double Side Microfiber Towel and Single Side Towel (Pack Of 7)

AutozCare Waterless Car Wash & Wax, Waterless Glass Cleaner, Engine Degreaser and Hyper Wash Forming Shampoo and Double Side Microfiber Towel and Single Side Towel (Pack Of 6)

Package Includes:

1 x AutozCare Waterless Glass Cleaner (500ml)

1 x AutozCare Waterless Car Wash & Wax (500ml)

1 x AutozCare Interior Dressing (250ml)

1 x AutozCare Single Side Microfiber Towel

1 x AutozCare Double Side Microfiber Towel

1 x AutozCare Engine Degreaser (500ml)

1 x AutozCare Hyper Wash Foaming Shampoo (500ml)

2-3 business delivery with 100% refund guaranteed.

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Usama Naeem

Welcome to AutozCare Pakistan
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Haider Ali
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